Should You Allow Succulent Cuttings to Callus Over Before Planting?

If you're new to propagating succulents from cuttings, you might have come across the recommendation to let the cuttings callus over before planting them. However, it turns out that callusing is not necessary for successful plant propagation. In fact, you can plant your succulent cuttings right away, but there are a few important steps to follow to ensure their growth and survival.

Planting Succulent Cuttings

When it comes to planting succulent cuttings, there's no need to wait for them to callus over. You can plant them directly into well-draining soil or a succulent mix. It's crucial to handle the cuttings with care to avoid any damage to their delicate structure. Make sure to insert the cut end of the cutting into the soil, providing enough stability for the cutting to stand upright.

Post-Planting Care

After planting your succulent cuttings, it's important to provide them with the right conditions for growth. One crucial step is to avoid watering the cuttings for at least two weeks. Watering immediately after planting can lead to excess moisture, potentially causing rot. By withholding water, you allow the cuttings to establish roots and prevent any issues related to overwatering.

Another important aspect of post-planting care is to avoid exposing the cuttings to direct sunlight. While mature succulent plants thrive in bright light, newly planted cuttings are more sensitive and can easily get sunburned. Place your cuttings in an area with indirect sunlight or partial shade, gradually introducing them to more sunlight over time.

Expert Succulent Tutorial Videos

If you're looking for comprehensive, hands-on guidance on succulent cuttings and other related topics, check out the Succulent Tutorial Videos available at Successulent's website. These tutorial videos cover various aspects of succulent care, including propagation techniques, crafting arrangements, and even tips on shipping succulents. With these tutorials, you can enhance your knowledge and skills when it comes to succulent propagation and care.

In conclusion, the common belief that succulent cuttings must callus over before planting is not necessary. You can indeed plant your cuttings right away, but it's important to hold off on watering for at least two weeks to prevent rot. Additionally, ensure your cuttings are not exposed to direct sunlight initially to avoid sunburn. By following these guidelines and utilizing the resources provided by Successulent's tutorial videos, you'll be on your way to successful succulent propagation.

Learn how to sell succulent cuttings at


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